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She is an Inhuman with the power of super-intelligence, having a brilliant scientific mind that lets her invents gadgets that she uses to fight crime and protect the innocent. Well some really great series marvel has put out recently such as ultimates before it was relaunched were struggling to sell yet the amazing writing and storytelling was there same thing with silk and uncanny inhumans and I'm not sure but uncanny avengers the current one kinda struggles in the sales yet all really great amazing series..... Captain marvel is another good example of a really great series that sadly struggles in the sales yet the quality is there. Disney Channel has ordered Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, an original animated series based on Marvel's hit comic books, from Disney Television Animation.Executive produced by … Lunella isn't just smart, she's the smartest person on Earth — but what good is that when the problems she faces are … Fishburne said, "As an avid comic book fan, I am thrilled to be involved with 'Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur.' Here is an example for you.... issue #13 sold just over 11,000 copies. If this is your first visit, be sure to Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Vol. I personally have only read a couple of issues (the ones that feature Kamala Khan) but I have heard that it is a really good read. The series will be produced by Disney Television Animation, Marvel Animation, and Cinema Gypsy Productions, and will air on Disney Channel in 2022. Receive the latest cancel/renewal, reboot and premiere date news in your inbox! Marvel has just announced its most adorable-looking comic since Rocket Raccoon met Groot: Moon-Girl . Their heroics would go unrewarded; however, as the Hulk appeared, seeking to take Devil Dinosaur into custody. LUNELLA LAFAYETTE is a preteen super genius who wants to change the world—but learned the hard way that it takes MORE than just big brains. Disney+ isn’t hogging all the Marvel TV shows. before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Updates: is an upcoming animation, adventure, and comedy television series. And - at last - the biggest battle of brains in the Marvel Universe! Lunella Lafayette is a young African-American girl who daydreams and loves to invent. Journey to the Living Planet! After Lunella accidentally brings Devil Dinosaur into present-day New York City via a time vortex, the duo works together to protect the city's Lower East Side from danger. You may have to register Ok to start off I just want to say that I am not saying that Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur is a bad series. Her classmates make fun of her and dub her Moon Girl because of these qualities. Source Moon Girl (real name Lunella Lafayette) is a superhero from Marvel Comics. select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. The news was announced today by Laurence Fishburne during Disney Television Animation's panel at Disney's D23 Expo. Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is a television series. Genre: Action, Animated, Comic Science Fiction, Superhero. I'm still trying to figure out what comics I'll be reading in the future, but that is yet to be determined. The point of the thread is that Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is selling at numbers that most other series would have been cancelled well before this point. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur follows the adventures of 13-year-old super-genius Lunella Lafayette and her ten-ton T-Rex, Devil Dinosaur. Never argue with an idiot. After Lunella accidentally brings Devil Dinosaur into present-day New York City via a time vortex, the duo works together to protect the city's Lower East Side from danger. Read more For a company like Marvel that is well below what they would call a success with most series, even ones that are met with negativity selling a lot more than Moon Girl. Jeff Howard and … Disney … How Has Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur Not Been Cancelled Yet? Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: The Beginning (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (2015-2019)) - Kindle edition by Reeder, Amy, Montclare, Brandon, Bustos, Natacha, Bustos, Natacha, Bustos, Natacha, Reeder, Amy, Montclare, Brandon. See below to discover whether there be Season 2 of Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur! When does Disney Channel Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Season 1 premiere? Hulk blamed Devil Dinosaur for starting the school on fire and, over Lunella's objections, attacked. Quality isn't really the issue but the sales numbers. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Despite possessing an astoundingly large intellect, she is unable to get into better schools and attends Public School 20 Anna Silver. Whether Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is ultimately cancelled or renewed for Season 2 remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure, Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is on our new and upcoming TV shows 2020-21 list! link above. Network (s): Disney Channel. It's Lunella Lafayette's biggest adventure yet as a voice from the cosmos beckons her and Devil Dinosaur on a truly fantastic voyage — an Ego trip, if you will! Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur sprang into action, rescuing Eduardo and the other students of Ms. Dominguez's science class from the blaze before the FDNY arrived. Devil Dinosaur is the deuteragonist of the upcoming series Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. 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CBS Renewals & Cancellations 2021-22 Scorecard, FOX Renewals & Cancellations 2021-22 Scorecard, NBC Renewals & Cancellations 2021-22 Scorecard, The CW Renewals & Cancellations 2021-22 Scorecard, Cancelled TV Shows 2020 - Series from the comics giant called Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur into custody just over 11,000 copies if is! 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