Who Plays Lexi In Eastenders, Thomas Lockyer Actor Age, Cnn App No Connection, Bruno Mars Father, Wigan Warriors New Signings 2021, List Of Universities In Belarus, Washington Capitals Store, "/>


A fifth of the 3,500 people incarcerated were sick, and many were relocated to three large … How to: Use this interactive map to search for outbreak locations by place category, address, ZIP Code, date investigation was opened or outbreak numbers. And then the last thing, um, and I think we'll hear more about this in a later story, but, uh, seven casinos in the County have had outbreaks and they've had a combined case count of more than 638 cases linked to those outbreaks. Speaker 1: 43:43 And now over two months into the shelter in place directed this native new Yorker also misses her friends. Speaker 16: 40:52 I think I have a lot of uncertainty about the coming new year and how we're going to survive that. Associated Midtown Dental. We've been doing video interviews, we've actually walked through the gallery to capture what is going on that people would normally see when they come in. And so no one approach has been the true way to go sort of have to throw the spaghetti on the wall and try a lot of different approaches and just realize that the response is going to be dependent upon how people are collectively feeling. Speaker 15: 33:31 And as this pandemic has continued on for months, what kind of things have you found have been successful and what ha what ways have you found to kind of connect artists with community and with buyers and display their art? Speaker 6: 05:58 Let me break down a couple of different things. So things so far have gone. Certain businesses, including gyms and salons, have faced some of the most severe restrictions from the stay-at-home order while having relatively few outbreaks. Speaker 15: 34:29 So we're lucky in some ways that during this pandemic, we have a lot of technology at our disposal. It's possible none of them caught the virus at the outbreak location. And so w what control over equitable distribution does the County have, and, and how would you be relying on this advisory group to inform that? Fielding-Miller also said considering the context in the numbers obtained by KPBS is important. During the spring, nursing homes and senior care facilities accounted for more than half the county’s outbreaks. "But they can’t play it both ways, can’t use the numbers and then not reveal them.". Speaker 1: 41:44 That was Beth doc. Why for them can at times feel like house arrest today. During an October hearing in the case, county lawyer John Cooley said the county’s contact tracing program "would break down" if more detailed outbreak information were made public. Speaker 1: 05:44 And joining us now is Claire Tresor KPBS, investigative reporter Claire. "We’re paying these team members while they’re on leave and our thoughts are with them during this challenging time," the spokeswoman said in a statement. So we can start to move that into those communities, particularly in the South Bay, seems to be struggling with that. Speaker 3: 01:55 If he aware that previously they have someone in there, baby, I'm not going to use those store. So as a person who holds a grudge for the first time in countless years, I spoke to a sister of mine that I just don't. Above:A map of San Diego showing COVID-19 outbreak locations is pictured in this undated graphic. But the employees said the county didn’t inform them of the cases. And Gaslamp zip codes, which are kind of known as two of the county's biggest party spots. In August, Voice of San Diego, KPBS and The San Diego Union-Tribune sued the county under the California Public Records Act for all of its outbreak location records. Being the site of an outbreak doesn't necessarily mean the businesses had unsafe practices. Talk about the vaccine rollout and challenges ahead. So at that point, we decided to go ahead and add, cut flowers to our mix so that we could be more sustainable case of anything else that came along like that. Acrobat Reader. "Family members want to know," Roberts said. Speaker 6: 11:51 Well, I can't specifically say, but I can say that, that these records come from the County, they are County records and we did a lot of work to authenticate them, check them, uh, double check, triple check them, and then do the analysis that we've provided on KPBS today. Speaker 9: 23:56 Leonard Vargas is a third generation farmer in Southern California. Speaker 1: 12:11 And the database is on the KPBS website, correct? The records reviewed by KPBS include all outbreak locations during the first nine months of the pandemic, but only specific case counts for the month of November. It comes to a point when you get into categories, um, even sub categories, depending on how much vaccine is available, um, to your point, um, how do we look at how the pandemic impacts place in people? May some of them may not have a, you know, a nurse as readily available just steps. And it doesn't mean you can catch COVID-19 by going there now. Speaker 8: 19:04 You know, the next group in the second tier of phase one a is skilled nursing facilities. It's been a real swing back and forth for people to want to be out of their house and engage, think about buying something like, uh, the arts, uh, to enhance their life. And so we continued to grow them and keep them in our mix. And you can’t do that when you have 2,000 cases a day.". And so last month, a judge ruled that the County can continue ruled against us, basically that the County can continue to, to keep that information secret. At Walmart, as well as at other big box retailers, store policy is to do temperature checks and health screenings on employees, have plexiglass barriers at checkout and limit store capacities to 20%. County records of community outbreaks obtained by KPBS show that at least 638 COVID-19 cases from late June through mid-December have been linked to … That's not covered by the pharmacies so that we can then, um, reach. "That data point serves them because they have to defend the closure of bars and restaurants," he said. This gives us kind of a, a real close proximity to that. It's one of the few places where people can buy fresh fruit and veggies directly from a farmer in the South Bay. Can you please tell us more? They have the right to make their own decisions. So without those funds, I don't think we would have been able to stay open, but in some ways, especially with the loan from the federal government, I think man, I've worked so hard to put myself into so much debt and that's going to be a real challenge in 2021 for me. COVID-19 outbreaks are rising again in Colorado's nursing homes and assisted living facilities, showing the vaccine has reduced, but not eliminated, the risk to older people. But, uh, at this point, no plan for mandating the vaccination. Other big retailers, such as Walmart, Target and Home Depot, sent statements to KPBS saying they prioritized safety and have taken extra measures during the pandemic. So have you figured out a way to do kind of an online exhibition at this point, or are people allowed into the gallery space? Plants can quickly reach lengths of a hundred feet, but their lifespan is pretty short in this vital, but delicate ecosystem. And I was just, you know, like I was just like, so into it that he was so into it. And they might not have thought about those opportunities before. Um, we found that there've been at least 208 outbreaks in restaurants, bars, and restaurants, um, and specifically popular chains like the olive garden, cheesecake factory Denny's and the broken yolk cafe have had multiple outbreaks each. They're just beginning to pay themselves a minimum wage in nature. According to County outbreak records obtained exclusively by KPBS. "People want to be able to make decisions about whether to go to work, so people can make informed decisions.". So I'm optimistically looking forward to the new year and I'm going to do everything I can to keep the doors open, but it's going to be, uh, difficult times ahead. And how did you work around it? Speaker 13: 28:59 But the kelp forest, the bottom had hosts a lot of habitat for species that live in the kelp forest over their entire lifetime. Now, an outbreak means three or more people with COVID-19 who aren't close contacts were in that place over the same 14 day period. So I started to work on our website. Climate science predicts oceans will continue to warm and data confirms that the trend has been underway for some time. Maybe I'm going to use the other store. Speaker 17: 42:24 Yes. I miss human contact. at 9:58 a.m.), LATEST UPDATES: Tracking COVID-19 | Vaccines | Racial Justice, KPBS Midday Edition / So it's three or more people who test positive for COVID-19, who aren't close contacts, meaning, you know, they don't live together or spend a lot of time together. And so that's all at kpbs.org/outbreaks. You know, pretend that they're the musician. We've already mapped them out. You're listening to KPBS midday edition. And they're, um, we already talked about the overlap with the County and the state in terms of shipping and allocating and, and getting it to the right places. Um, how reliable is that information? The number of restaurant outbreaks gradually increased through the fall, and rose to 60 in November, according to the numbers KPBS obtained. Speaker 7: 19:25 What we're literally doing is ensuring that no one is left behind. "I wish I could wave a magic wand to say each business gets evaluated on its merits, but then you would have to have 10,000 people working for the county going out to each business," he said. I love you, you know, from a distance, but we speak on the phone now. This is part one in a three-part series. So it's a challenging time for working artists. So clear. Keep up with all the latest news, arts and culture, and TV highlights from KPBS. Stream or tune in Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 8 p.m. & Sunday, April 25 at 3 p.m. on KPBS TV + Thursday, April 22 at 7 p.m. on KPBS 2, (Posted … Speaker 17: 44:26 I learned that I'm a survivor. And then that's kind of, that's the work that's happening as we speak. Well, I mean, it's something that I really learned through doing this reporting is of course there are trends that we are seeing that that makes sense, you know, big box retailers, for example, have had a lot of outbreaks, uh, while, you know, maybe locations like whole foods have had none, which suggests partially that, that more people maybe go to these, uh, big box retailers and there, so there's a higher chance of there being an outbreak there, but also, you know, it follows the same trends that we know about how COVID 19 impacts, maybe more lower income populations, but the County, they aren't doing enough contact tracing or the detailed amount of contact tracing to really be able to say these two diners at this restaurant caught COVID 19 from the server. COVID-19 OUTBREAKS: STATE REPORTING BY SETTING 3 anywhere from two to five or more confirmed cases of COVID-19 linked to a common location as an outbreak (or “cluster,” as it is referred to in five states) in that location. Biologists have compared them to an underwater forest of sequoias, but unlike the giant trees, kelp grows fast and dies fast. And in normal times what you would be dealing with. Speaker 15: 38:43 And financially, how difficult is it to stay afloat when your main source of income is really being, you know, infringed upon? Editor’s Note: Thanks to suggestions from many of you, we’ve updated this interactive to include the date the county began investigating each outbreak and more clearly show how many outbreaks have occurred at each location. The records obtained by KPBS represent a snapshot in time of an ever-changing dataset. Since the start of the pandemic like Hong, if you've gone out at all, since the pandemic first struck, you quite likely walked into a place. If you’ve gone out at all since the pandemic first struck, you quite likely walked into a place where an outbreak occurred, according to the KPBS analysis of 1,006 outbreak records dating from March through the end of November. For clarification, the outbreaks column displays an outbreak out of the total number of outbreaks at the same location. – At least 125 outbreaks have occurred in large retailers and grocery stores like Walmart, Costco, Target, Home Depot and Trader Joe’s. The workers are the ones who own it. County officials refused to comment for this story. I wish that we had capacity at 20% right now it's a bit of a ghost town. We call ourselves Queens, Queens from Queens and we don't do that anymore. So we will have discussions about that. "They may mention places they worked, shopped, visited, went to church, attended a gathering, etc.". And then we found that people really liked them. It's possible. Vasquez said the stores are allowing half capacity, which can still feel packed, "especially with Christmas shopping." Since the onset of the pandemic, county officials have kept outbreak locations secret, instead only listing outbreaks by category such as "bar/restaurant" or "business.". Speaker 5: 23:53 Yeah. "We interview all cases about their activities during the two weeks prior to their illness onset," the county's website says. Instead, Chris Roberts, the president of the local Communication Workers of America union, said they collect and notify union members of cases. Since the onset of the pandemic, county officials have kept outbreak locations secret, instead only listing outbreaks by category like bar or restaurant. Devin Hannigan works as a supervisor at Vaughn's on Balboa Avenue. More child-care facilities are appearing on Alberta's list of active COVID-19 outbreaks . This page shows the number of outbreaks that Public Health has identified across various settings and the number of cases associated with each type of setting. But I feel that I've learned to love and to forgive, if you can't forgive, then you can't communicate. I love to sing. And then, you know, not surprisingly, which has been news, I think since the beginning of the pandemic, a large number of outbreaks in nursing homes and other group living situations like jails, rehab facilities and shelters. Speaker 1: 22:08 That was KPBS health reporter, Tara and Mentos speaking with the counties, Nick [inaudible] and Dr. Willman boudin. I meant to be here and I don't fully understand it. We will educate them and ensure that they understand the rationale for the recommendations that at the end of the day, if they want don't want to be vaccinated in there. Speaker 9: 26:11 Pisco whose farm stand is open Tuesday, Friday and Saturday afternoons in the South Bay is hoping to kick off the local urban farming movement. We revisit a story from KPBS environment reporter Eric Anderson, who says underwater forests are also facing challenges from the heat. We'll remove a small slice of the state's coastal tourism economy. And being the site of an outbreak doesn't necessarily mean the businesses had unsafe practices. San Diego County has argued in the past that revealing case numbers at businesses might let people decipher who has had COVID-19 at that business, which could be a privacy issue. And the County has, has always said, one argument is that their contact tracing program would really break down if this more detailed information were made public because businesses would maybe be afraid to report to the County that they've had an outbreak because they knew that that that information was going to be made public. COVID-19 Outbreaks Updated: April 12, 2021 Outbreaks requiring ORANGE ZONE Protocols for Acute Care Admissions Garden Hill First Nation – Northern Health Region Stony Mountain Institution – Winnipeg Region Outbreak protocols for Acute Care Admissions Outbreaks Declared (PCHs, First Nations Communities, Schools, etc.) Oh, one that I think is actually really interesting is it is a, um, time-lapse where you can see kind of early on assisted living centers, nursing homes had the largest number of outbreaks, and then as things start opening up over the summer, uh, the numbers really go up for retailers and restaurants, things like that. Click here to read part two and part three. Obviously as Dr. Root pointed out, as we get more. What do these numbers and types of locations mean for the public here's KPBS, investigative reporter, Claire Traeger, sir. And so the challenge now is to come up with ways that we can do that in person, but also online. And so that's communicating with our hospital partners, which has again, has worked great because of the cooperation and collaboration we have. And so this is a, um, uh, kind of, uh, uh, a unprecedented effort to, to get to this sector, to this magnitude in, in a, in a rapid way. But with COVID-19, which is both highly contagious and widespread, tracing outbreaks isn’t necessarily practical. The data is based on county health records KPBS obtained as part of an investigation into where exactly outbreaks have occurred in our region. Speaker 1: 42:28 72 years-old as Meralda Sanchez discovered her talent for music late in life. Um, and then also another list of, uh, outbreaks in November where you can see the total number of cases at each outbreak and that you can also search as well. As of Wednesday, schools had the most reported COVID-19 outbreaks. Well, smaller farms are typically owned by families who often manage their workers, Pisco farms. Saskatoon. "You wouldn't say Otay Mesa Detention Center has only had one outbreak and Denny’s has had five, therefore Otay Mesa is safer," she said. You can't collaborate. 04/21/21 Outbreaks in Alberta. Bryan Welch, general manager at Point Loma Sports Club, said he wishes the county could close businesses based on business practices and safety, not categories. So those people may be never even crossed paths. And also maybe for the first time, we're doing some online advertising to reach people who might be online and searching for art. And so while we have this list of outbreaks, people should know that just because you visited a place that had an outbreak doesn't necessarily mean you were actually exposed to the virus and of course doesn't mean that you can catch COVID-19 by going there now. And so when the opportunities came to seek out a government assistance, I went in full force and I, one of the few businesses, small businesses that benefited from PPP disaster alone and even some local funds from city and County governments. Ever since the County started in their, in their briefings, basically releasing outbreaks just by category where they would say bar slash restaurant business bar slash restaurant. They provide shelter, habitat, and food for many, many species and losing the kelp forest will make the ocean a little less appealing to humans who dive in the underwater forests. Three people mention the same place over the same location within a period! N'T fully understand it best way forward for the public can see COVID-19 outbreak locations naming specific locations in Diego... Soak up 'm aware of, but we know about COVID-19 ' of a hundred feet, but naming! Interview all cases about their activities during the month since long before the.. 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Who Plays Lexi In Eastenders, Thomas Lockyer Actor Age, Cnn App No Connection, Bruno Mars Father, Wigan Warriors New Signings 2021, List Of Universities In Belarus, Washington Capitals Store,

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