> no problem. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? because this is more than just grass. >> thank you all. no matter where you are or what you're doing. ensure max protein. and india, we will take you inside perhaps the greatest gamble yet, the unprecedented lockdown of some 1.3 billion people to stave off catastrophe. what is happening? people -- i was in contact with people who were debating whether we needed any sort of major economic response. let's party people! instead, that relationship is in free fall with each side deflecting blame on itself by blaming th g20 was also a dud. Aire so far the numbers of infected have been low in countries like india, brazil, nigeria, indonesia. this one really global. only licensed in stockholm. paul, let me start with you. >> zanny minton beddoes, does this look different in europe? February 28, 2021 | On GPS: The future of U.S.- Saudi relations after the Khashoggi report; a look at … when we come back, i will ask our panel how exactly do we start the economy and what do the political effects of all this look like when we come back. Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). The World After COVID19 - the Future of Global Affairs – Munk Dialogues, April 15, 2020. -woah! i would point to singapore, which has really handled this in an exemplary manner but singapore on friday brought in a lockdown which it had not had before, because it was seeing cases inkracreasinincreasing. joining me now are paul krugman, noble laureate in economics and columnest for the "new york times." Then, in Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban now rules by decree. valerie, let me ask you about this. Or worse, a depression? >> i'm afraid it doesn't look. i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. if iraq and nigeria explode 9 co the cost in refugees and terrorism would make us want to manage their fall. stay with me. >> thank you so much. all year round. no. i'm... going to old spice fiji? we're clearly capable of putting money into our economy for relief and restart as we need it. they have the ability to learn some lessons from when the americans gave humanitarian aid after previous crisis, some lessons that americans appear to have forgotten. i keep on seeing people saying economists want the economy to restart. With Zanny Minton Beddoes, Ian Bremmer, Michael Ignatieff, Paul Krugman. michael, how did we get here? president trump clearly wants to restart the economy. where hungary will walk to is not clear. expect political turmoil, refugees, revolutions, crackdowns, maybe terrorism. that is just a minor part of a major measure that will give prime minister viktor orban ultimate npower. >> ian, let me ask you about a bigger picture about this. for the developing world that will most need it, for our allies like in europe that we're not coordinating with. as soon as it begins, he will pop up on that video feed and we'll take you live to albany. take it seriously. whoa-hoa-hoa! Fareed’s Global Briefing. ask your doctor for a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. ♪ that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. >> it is. Will this moment bring about real change? hello son, i think it's time you join the family business. zanny minton beddoes, and ian bremer. America was at a disadvantage compared to the Soviet Union, it was said, because it had to operate with its hands tied behind its back, with Congressional interference, media exposure and all … Airdate November 1, 2020: Fareed Zakaria hosts a special edition of Fareed Zakaria GPS that explores what qualities and experiences make the best leaders. in 1918/'19 flu pandemic, there was social distancing, many of the same policies we're doing now. the overwhelming consensus of serious economists is that if you want to wait, better to err, on the side of staying shut down longer than by starting up too soon. let's get started. dandelions, lurking crabgrass and weak, thin grass. show i would caution it's quite early days in china. and also coronavirus becomes the excuse for dictatorship. even the european union has been late to recognize the seriousness of this crises, the most serious crisis in its existence. >> finally, tell me how this impacted modi and his leadership style? the next thing will be countries defaulting. one in particular is whether you basically subsidize firms to keep workers on the payroll, which is broadly the european response. countries are testing differently. we have never seen anything like this. that's another important part of it sorry, i have to let you go. >> ian, what we are seeing in china, i think we lost ian. this would all be manageable if not for the second challenge. turn on my tv and boom, it's got all my favorite shows. he doesn't need do the peacock dance, he just keeps on running. we will almost certainly have periods of undoing some of these restrictions and then putting them on again as the virus comes back. and valerie hopkins is a correspondent for "the financial times. not just to get technology as fast as possible to a vaccine or treatment, but technology to trace people, technology to see where people are. See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive. much higher it's home. is this the end of democracy in a european country? i think there's still a view that we will beat this and life will go back to rm noal. Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and global policies through in-depth, one-on-one interviews and fascinating roundtable discussions. what are they doing? for more go to cnn.com/fareed and read my "washington post" column this week. the country's debt will skyrocket as it spends money to combat the economic fallout of covid-19. navigator's of the turf and keepers of the green. these are india's migrant workers. i think it's a lever that should be applied, but they certainly have had many occasions where they could have brought that hammer down and have not done so. so, what's in it for you? and that's saving me cash with drivewise. and in the tech savvy anything of estonia, two tech companies had a hack-a-thon last month. this is just the beginning. the judiciary in hungary seemed independent. i don't think it's going to be binary. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. the cities that did more social distancing and stayed with it not only had much lower death rates, they did better economically. it's the next one. CNN's Fareed Zakaria gives his take on why the US has struggled to mount an effective response to the coronavirus pandemic. the extraordinary nature of this lockdown, giving people no time to prepare must have thrown, india into -- which is already a functioning anarchy, it must have made it pretty chaotic. this shows you, i think, how savvy he is, and that, you know, when he's confronted sometimes, he takes one step too far, he backs off. most hungarians will tell you actually the lower levels of the judiciary are still fine and many of them will still make good decisions. so everything now says this is not the time to worry about gdp. visit petmeds.com today. let's use this huge nux infrastructure we got in terms of everybody having a big cell. it's just very, very hard to get these enormous programs into gear quickly. America was at a disadvantage compared to the Soviet Union, it was said, because it had to operate with its hands tied behind its back, with Congressional interference, media exposure and all … there's a big difference. Your browser may not be compatible with all the features on this site. What the experts expect with the "COVID-19 economy"; COVID-19 reshapes autocratic rule in Hungary; how India is coping under a lockdown. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Aired 10-11a ET. and i find paul's metaphor grimly appropriate, a medically-induced coma. well, since so much of the containment strategy involves travel, it would be far more effective if travel bans and advisories were coordinate ecoo. they varied quite a lot among cities. >> well, orban like many leader now in the coronavirus crisis has experienced a bump in his popularity but it's unclear how long it will last. sounds like many western nations? we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. we do things differently and aother money managers, don't understand why. the centerpiece of any global effort would have to be close cooperation between the united states and china. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world, i'm fareed zakaria coming to you live from new york. restaurant also have much bigger space between tables, and we'll, i hope, use technology in a much, much more dramatic way than we used it now to know who's had the virus, where there are hot spots and where there's much less of it. our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. let's get back to this issue that zanny pointed out, when we, start the economy, it's not going to start up in full stream. trying to do that prematurely is a recipe not just for a lot more people dying but a recipe for a. much longer economic slump. i certainly believe that the americans are capable of implementing real lockdowns and listening to authority. tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN April 19, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT . however in the local elections in october, 10 out of 23 of the major cities were won by the opposition, and it's possible that -- that eventually they may be able to make a comeback but it will be ever harder with the new laws imposed, especially now a new proposal announced yesterday that will make all parties give half of their funding to a special coronavirus. all day. and we will not be able to get back to anything resembling normal life unless the major powers in the world can find some way to cooperate and manage these problems together. and plan b. you need equipment that's up to the challenge. yeah! >> valerie, what do hungarians look at this and think? i'm sorry, we had a little technical difficulty getting you on, which is china is now donating ventilators to new york. what we have seen so far is mostly not a recession in the normal sense. cookie cutter portfolios? rural ramblers and back to the landers. last night he called for a kind of national period of darkness and lighting of lamps. no we're probably 15 million jobs down while we were just getting this thing together. Watch Fareed Zakaria GPS season 2020 episode 14 Online Sunday, April 12, 2020, 10AM : When To Reopen Or Not To Reopen The Country; President Donald Trump Threatens To Defund World Health Organization; President Donald Trump: World Health Organization Called It Wrong; Former World Leaders Push For COVID-19 Cooperation. in europe it's much more trying to keep workers paid with the companies that they are currently at. welcome to "reliable sources" live from new york city. what are all these hungarians who are uneasy with all this, what are they saying? >> well, the optimistic view of this suspension of all parliamentary rule and constitutional rule is that he -- he ckocontrayed getting external pressure, but i think this is a peacock dance where, he's not dancing back, he's consolidating power and will be indifferent to what european union says, because i think the european union, the french, the germans are so beep in their own crises they will not mind that basically one european state has turned into a single-party state in front of their eyes. oh, here we go. like i said, i think we got the theory, we got the logic and the country did rally behind the prime minister when he first made the announcement but i think there's a sense now that the execution and the planning has not been up to the mark. we are -- yeah, turns out we're not prepared not just for something of this magnitude but we're not prepared for something of this speed. a dispute that sounds like something that comes out of high school. during the '08 and '09 recession, central banks helped each other dampen the financial, contagion. what we're seeing in china is the return of the economy after a period of a very drastic and dramatic lockdown. we're standing by for new york governors andrew cuomo's daily briefing. we're seeing almost unimaginable figures. Fareed Zakaria GPS Season show reviews & Metacritic score: Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Essam El-Erian; economists Jeffrey Sachs (Earth Institute) and … jonathan alter's the defining moment will give you a sense of, what great leadership actually looks like. my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Barkha Dutt explains.GUESTS: Paul Krugman, Zanny Minton Beddoes, Ian Bremmer, Michael Ignatieff, Valerie Hopkins, Barkha DuttTo learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy, Westwood One Podcast Network / Dan Bongino. that was announced, one of the most important media outlets that are still independent -- there are still a number of brave and wonderful journ ifls journalists doing their job h e here, bought a government stake, in the paper. when the prime minister announced that the nation would effectively shut down, the first instinct of the country was to be fearful but also applaud him and understand the inef vitabily of the decision and how extraordinarily difficult it would be. and the chinese smell opportunity here. his peacock dance used to depend on counter pressure, counter pressure from the french, the germans or the americans. almost all of india's 1.3 billion people are subject to it. we only have a few -- we have about 45 seconds. you can't see what's happening in hungary apart from a basic abdication of the defense of the basic principles of european democratic freedom right across the european union. dad, i'm an old spice body and face wash kinda guy. unite the country is responsible for the content of this advertising. and for some countries it won't be possible to do this. jamie: anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. consider what that means for countries like libya, nigeria, iran, iraq and venezuela where oil revenues make up the vast majority of government revenue, and vast majority of the economy. our backyard is back. it's home. so you get a severe recession of a more conventional type overlaid on top of this coma that the economy has already gone into. i'm tryin'! where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. whether you saddle up or buckle down. we just wish as citizens and reporters covering this story that the government had given itself much more time to plan it better keeping the most vulnerable and most impoverished citizens in mind. the first phase has been the health care crisis in the major economies. people did not anticipate things not planned at all. different. that is how he handled other things, one of his biggest mistakes when he took 80% of india's cash out of circulation. Then, what do the c...– Ouça o July 5, 2020 | On GPS: America's racial reckoning - is change really coming this time? i do not speed. i think one of the big differences between now and 1918 -- and i read that very interesting study about the u.s. then -- we have technology in a way we didn't then. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. is there a danger you start up too soon and what happened then? all conditions. if i might extend that metaphor a little bit, i think what is worrying is that we don't really have a clear exit strategy. and i see it with zero commissions on online trades. this first hack-a-thon was so successful the estonian companies are helping organize a global hack-a-thon this coming week. about 250 million indians live below the poverty line. we are in the early stages of what is going to become a series of cascading crises reverberating throughout the world. >> there's a huge danger. the official statistics will be behind again and again. Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and global policies through in-depth, one-on-one interviews and fascinating roundtable discussions. i should note paul krugman has a new book out "arguing with zombies." This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). there were poor men carrying 5-year-old children on their shoulders, women kaer r carryin life's possession and little children walking hundreds of miles. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. next come the explosions in the developing world. the -- we really need a period of extreme lockdown to make sure that this thing has -- that we've brought the pandemic to an end. talk about the competition for leadership that is coming out of this with china appearing to be, at least more confident than the united states essentially uninterested. all conditions. they are the poorest of the poor. February 28, 2021 | On GPS: The future of U.S.- Saudi relations after the Khashoggi report; a look at … now, what would be achieved by greater global cooperation? i'll tell you all about it when we come back. we will take you inside history's largest ever lockdown when we come back. will it work? they have the medical supply chain. because if you look at the way china is reopening its economy, it does seem to suggest that once you get this under control and the numbers of new cases are very small, you can start up again. all these spring breakers making it clear how difficult it is to lock down america, a country of 300 million people. but we have completely abdicated leadership internationally. ET on CNN. in the united kingdom where we do have this very generous. as the virus spreads, italian, us a trae yo austrian and german mobile phone providers track the virus. probably because they're less linked by trade and travel than the advanced world, in addition these countries have tested very few people which is keeping their numbers artificially low. and something like close to 1 million european firms have across countries applied for, payroll subsidies. it's beautiful, isn't it? ♪ you can't always stop for a fingerstick.betes with the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you don't have to. Fareed Zakaria GPS August 28th, 2020 How They See Us: A Global View of Trump’s America – A Fareed Zakaria GPS Special premieres Sunday, Aug 30 at 10am and 1pm ET is the world headed towards a great depression and how do we come out of it? e... jamie, are there any interesting photos from your trip? if you have an idea, go to the globalhack.com to register. Fareed Zakaria's columns. we'll have a cascade of figures. and overwhelmingly what we're seeing so far, you know, the 10 million jobs -- sure it will be 15 million by the end of this, week that we lost in the u.s. are because of that deliberately-induced coma. no, alan, i practice muay thai, completely different skillset. how do we comprehend something like this? >> the theory behind this, which i think most people understand, was that you needed to take very tough even brutal measures because -- and try to suppress, the virus, which is still in low numbers in india, because if it did spiral, the indian health care system is really one of the worst in the world, right? mike galanos is president of the, central european university, a george soros funded institute. phone in our hand. and this is a big problem. for the same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast free shipping. that happened the day after this law was passed. By Fareed Zakaria | comments@fareedzakaria.com | Washington Post April 17, 2021 at 4:09 p.m. “To govern is to choose,” a French prime minister once said, and this … to the mowers of green acres. john deere mowers for more. before coming out with an economic package, the government already started proposing laws that had nothing to do with coronavirus or combating the virus like making it illegal to change one's gender identity or something. today on the show, the coronavirus and the economy. Fareed Zakaria Gps Book Of The Week Books Showing 1-47 of 47 The Song of Achilles (Hardcover) by. we have done that way too late. Season 2020 guide for Fareed Zakaria GPS TV series - see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. there have been sort of -- there does seem to be an interesting difference when europe -- unemployment is not spiking in quite the same way, they're approaching it differently. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN April 5, 2020 7:00am-8:00am PDT What the experts expect with the "COVID-19 economy"; COVID-19 reshapes autocratic rule … that must be why you're always so late. for millions that's a total loss of income. April 5, 2020 | On GPS: Covid-19 spurs economic crisis, gives way to a power grab in Hungary & forces globe's largest democracy into lockdown. they recognize that the global, order will look different coming out of this crisis than it did going in. 10% somewhat supportive but it's not a vast majority. that's actually not true. that said, modi does have a kind of teflon advantage almost, and he's managed to convert this moment also into a sort of test about whether you're standing with india or against india. "president trump also ended that global health security unit within the white house." >> the metaphor i've been using is that this is -- it's like a medically induced coma where doctors deliberately shut down a lot of the brain's function in order to give a patient a chance to -- a chance to recover from severe blow. >> i think modi's great skill is to turn every disruptive moment in politics into a test of patriotism. Every week on the show, you will see in-depth interviews with world leaders, newsmakers and analysts who break down the world's toughest problems, you will hear Fareed’s “take” on vital subjects, and … there's some attempt also through loans that can then be forgiven to help particularly small businesses keep people on their payroll but you are seeing, if you will, a classic difference. >> all right. >> zanny, let me ask you about europe. FAREED ZAKARIA GPS. 92 million indian homes, households live in one room. this crisis is occurring at a time when global cooperation has collapsed and the traditional leader and organizer of such efforts, the united states of america, has abandoned that role entirely. it's a story of him getting away with stuff but also a story of him being continuous with what he's been doing since 2010. run with us for all the head turners, stripe earners and time crunchers to the kid carolers, grill masters and all those who ride faster and run with us on a john deere mower. just how bad they get will depend in part how long this goes on for but also how quickly the very equally dramatic government stimulus plan can get to the people that need them, the workers that are being laid off, the companies that need payroll support and right now on both sides of the atlantic, they're way behind on that. unbelievable now, right? Airdate April 5 2020: Covid-19 grips the global economy, will this lead to the next great recession? and then i think we'll have to figure out ways to start bringing the economy back to life. thank you for all of you for being a part of my program this week. [ "one morwoo!me" b[ laughing ]] woo! nothing runs like a deer search. By Fareed Zakaria. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady? Fareed Zakaria GPS season 2020 episode 15 Sunday, April 19, 2020, 10AM : U.S. this is just, i think, a sign of the extraordinary fragmenting impact of the coronavirus on the -- on european politics and on the capacity of european states to act together and act against what i think is a threat to the democratic values of the whole continent. on April 5, 2020. transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. maybe all this global collaboration can inspire politicians to follow the examples being set by private set z citizens working together across borders against common foe. at fisher investments we're clearly different. in the uk, it's more generous, it's 80%. On this site big cell dangerous an economic emergency to justify a large package molecular compounds to identify the most. ; Fareed Zakaria gives his take on why the us has struggled mount..., much further was very slow to move on this virus. grimly appropriate, a coma... 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finding understanding doesn't have to be. "the president and his administration was very slow to move on this virus." just imagine that in relation to, the united states entire population. let me ask you, zanny. the -- that's pretty bad in itself. ♪ one more time, donald trump's usual complaints over what he terms fake news which is really news he doesn't like have not gone away during the coronavirus crisis. and i don't mean to be an arm chair analyst saying this i've been out on the ground reporting this story. the world has entered this pandemic with two challenges. no, it's not a fictional story. >> no problem. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? because this is more than just grass. >> thank you all. no matter where you are or what you're doing. ensure max protein. and india, we will take you inside perhaps the greatest gamble yet, the unprecedented lockdown of some 1.3 billion people to stave off catastrophe. what is happening? people -- i was in contact with people who were debating whether we needed any sort of major economic response. let's party people! instead, that relationship is in free fall with each side deflecting blame on itself by blaming th g20 was also a dud. Aire so far the numbers of infected have been low in countries like india, brazil, nigeria, indonesia. this one really global. only licensed in stockholm. paul, let me start with you. >> zanny minton beddoes, does this look different in europe? February 28, 2021 | On GPS: The future of U.S.- Saudi relations after the Khashoggi report; a look at … when we come back, i will ask our panel how exactly do we start the economy and what do the political effects of all this look like when we come back. Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). The World After COVID19 - the Future of Global Affairs – Munk Dialogues, April 15, 2020. -woah! i would point to singapore, which has really handled this in an exemplary manner but singapore on friday brought in a lockdown which it had not had before, because it was seeing cases inkracreasinincreasing. joining me now are paul krugman, noble laureate in economics and columnest for the "new york times." Then, in Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban now rules by decree. valerie, let me ask you about this. Or worse, a depression? >> i'm afraid it doesn't look. i was told to begin my aspirin regimen, blem. if iraq and nigeria explode 9 co the cost in refugees and terrorism would make us want to manage their fall. stay with me. >> thank you so much. all year round. no. i'm... going to old spice fiji? we're clearly capable of putting money into our economy for relief and restart as we need it. they have the ability to learn some lessons from when the americans gave humanitarian aid after previous crisis, some lessons that americans appear to have forgotten. i keep on seeing people saying economists want the economy to restart. With Zanny Minton Beddoes, Ian Bremmer, Michael Ignatieff, Paul Krugman. michael, how did we get here? president trump clearly wants to restart the economy. where hungary will walk to is not clear. expect political turmoil, refugees, revolutions, crackdowns, maybe terrorism. that is just a minor part of a major measure that will give prime minister viktor orban ultimate npower. >> ian, let me ask you about a bigger picture about this. for the developing world that will most need it, for our allies like in europe that we're not coordinating with. as soon as it begins, he will pop up on that video feed and we'll take you live to albany. take it seriously. whoa-hoa-hoa! Fareed’s Global Briefing. ask your doctor for a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. ♪ that's ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. >> it is. Will this moment bring about real change? hello son, i think it's time you join the family business. zanny minton beddoes, and ian bremer. America was at a disadvantage compared to the Soviet Union, it was said, because it had to operate with its hands tied behind its back, with Congressional interference, media exposure and all … Airdate November 1, 2020: Fareed Zakaria hosts a special edition of Fareed Zakaria GPS that explores what qualities and experiences make the best leaders. in 1918/'19 flu pandemic, there was social distancing, many of the same policies we're doing now. the overwhelming consensus of serious economists is that if you want to wait, better to err, on the side of staying shut down longer than by starting up too soon. let's get started. dandelions, lurking crabgrass and weak, thin grass. show i would caution it's quite early days in china. and also coronavirus becomes the excuse for dictatorship. even the european union has been late to recognize the seriousness of this crises, the most serious crisis in its existence. >> finally, tell me how this impacted modi and his leadership style? the next thing will be countries defaulting. one in particular is whether you basically subsidize firms to keep workers on the payroll, which is broadly the european response. countries are testing differently. we have never seen anything like this. that's another important part of it sorry, i have to let you go. >> ian, what we are seeing in china, i think we lost ian. this would all be manageable if not for the second challenge. turn on my tv and boom, it's got all my favorite shows. he doesn't need do the peacock dance, he just keeps on running. we will almost certainly have periods of undoing some of these restrictions and then putting them on again as the virus comes back. and valerie hopkins is a correspondent for "the financial times. not just to get technology as fast as possible to a vaccine or treatment, but technology to trace people, technology to see where people are. See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive. much higher it's home. is this the end of democracy in a european country? i think there's still a view that we will beat this and life will go back to rm noal. Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and global policies through in-depth, one-on-one interviews and fascinating roundtable discussions. what are they doing? for more go to cnn.com/fareed and read my "washington post" column this week. the country's debt will skyrocket as it spends money to combat the economic fallout of covid-19. navigator's of the turf and keepers of the green. these are india's migrant workers. i think it's a lever that should be applied, but they certainly have had many occasions where they could have brought that hammer down and have not done so. so, what's in it for you? and that's saving me cash with drivewise. and in the tech savvy anything of estonia, two tech companies had a hack-a-thon last month. this is just the beginning. the judiciary in hungary seemed independent. i don't think it's going to be binary. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. the cities that did more social distancing and stayed with it not only had much lower death rates, they did better economically. it's the next one. CNN's Fareed Zakaria gives his take on why the US has struggled to mount an effective response to the coronavirus pandemic. the extraordinary nature of this lockdown, giving people no time to prepare must have thrown, india into -- which is already a functioning anarchy, it must have made it pretty chaotic. this shows you, i think, how savvy he is, and that, you know, when he's confronted sometimes, he takes one step too far, he backs off. most hungarians will tell you actually the lower levels of the judiciary are still fine and many of them will still make good decisions. so everything now says this is not the time to worry about gdp. visit petmeds.com today. let's use this huge nux infrastructure we got in terms of everybody having a big cell. it's just very, very hard to get these enormous programs into gear quickly. America was at a disadvantage compared to the Soviet Union, it was said, because it had to operate with its hands tied behind its back, with Congressional interference, media exposure and all … there's a big difference. Your browser may not be compatible with all the features on this site. What the experts expect with the "COVID-19 economy"; COVID-19 reshapes autocratic rule in Hungary; how India is coping under a lockdown. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Aired 10-11a ET. and i find paul's metaphor grimly appropriate, a medically-induced coma. well, since so much of the containment strategy involves travel, it would be far more effective if travel bans and advisories were coordinate ecoo. they varied quite a lot among cities. >> well, orban like many leader now in the coronavirus crisis has experienced a bump in his popularity but it's unclear how long it will last. sounds like many western nations? we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. we do things differently and aother money managers, don't understand why. the centerpiece of any global effort would have to be close cooperation between the united states and china. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world, i'm fareed zakaria coming to you live from new york. restaurant also have much bigger space between tables, and we'll, i hope, use technology in a much, much more dramatic way than we used it now to know who's had the virus, where there are hot spots and where there's much less of it. our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. let's get back to this issue that zanny pointed out, when we, start the economy, it's not going to start up in full stream. trying to do that prematurely is a recipe not just for a lot more people dying but a recipe for a. much longer economic slump. i certainly believe that the americans are capable of implementing real lockdowns and listening to authority. tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN April 19, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT . however in the local elections in october, 10 out of 23 of the major cities were won by the opposition, and it's possible that -- that eventually they may be able to make a comeback but it will be ever harder with the new laws imposed, especially now a new proposal announced yesterday that will make all parties give half of their funding to a special coronavirus. all day. and we will not be able to get back to anything resembling normal life unless the major powers in the world can find some way to cooperate and manage these problems together. and plan b. you need equipment that's up to the challenge. yeah! >> valerie, what do hungarians look at this and think? i'm sorry, we had a little technical difficulty getting you on, which is china is now donating ventilators to new york. what we have seen so far is mostly not a recession in the normal sense. cookie cutter portfolios? rural ramblers and back to the landers. last night he called for a kind of national period of darkness and lighting of lamps. no we're probably 15 million jobs down while we were just getting this thing together. Watch Fareed Zakaria GPS season 2020 episode 14 Online Sunday, April 12, 2020, 10AM : When To Reopen Or Not To Reopen The Country; President Donald Trump Threatens To Defund World Health Organization; President Donald Trump: World Health Organization Called It Wrong; Former World Leaders Push For COVID-19 Cooperation. in europe it's much more trying to keep workers paid with the companies that they are currently at. welcome to "reliable sources" live from new york city. what are all these hungarians who are uneasy with all this, what are they saying? >> well, the optimistic view of this suspension of all parliamentary rule and constitutional rule is that he -- he ckocontrayed getting external pressure, but i think this is a peacock dance where, he's not dancing back, he's consolidating power and will be indifferent to what european union says, because i think the european union, the french, the germans are so beep in their own crises they will not mind that basically one european state has turned into a single-party state in front of their eyes. oh, here we go. like i said, i think we got the theory, we got the logic and the country did rally behind the prime minister when he first made the announcement but i think there's a sense now that the execution and the planning has not been up to the mark. we are -- yeah, turns out we're not prepared not just for something of this magnitude but we're not prepared for something of this speed. a dispute that sounds like something that comes out of high school. during the '08 and '09 recession, central banks helped each other dampen the financial, contagion. what we're seeing in china is the return of the economy after a period of a very drastic and dramatic lockdown. we're standing by for new york governors andrew cuomo's daily briefing. we're seeing almost unimaginable figures. Fareed Zakaria GPS Season show reviews & Metacritic score: Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Essam El-Erian; economists Jeffrey Sachs (Earth Institute) and … jonathan alter's the defining moment will give you a sense of, what great leadership actually looks like. my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Barkha Dutt explains.GUESTS: Paul Krugman, Zanny Minton Beddoes, Ian Bremmer, Michael Ignatieff, Valerie Hopkins, Barkha DuttTo learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy, Westwood One Podcast Network / Dan Bongino. that was announced, one of the most important media outlets that are still independent -- there are still a number of brave and wonderful journ ifls journalists doing their job h e here, bought a government stake, in the paper. when the prime minister announced that the nation would effectively shut down, the first instinct of the country was to be fearful but also applaud him and understand the inef vitabily of the decision and how extraordinarily difficult it would be. and the chinese smell opportunity here. his peacock dance used to depend on counter pressure, counter pressure from the french, the germans or the americans. almost all of india's 1.3 billion people are subject to it. we only have a few -- we have about 45 seconds. you can't see what's happening in hungary apart from a basic abdication of the defense of the basic principles of european democratic freedom right across the european union. dad, i'm an old spice body and face wash kinda guy. unite the country is responsible for the content of this advertising. and for some countries it won't be possible to do this. jamie: anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. consider what that means for countries like libya, nigeria, iran, iraq and venezuela where oil revenues make up the vast majority of government revenue, and vast majority of the economy. our backyard is back. it's home. so you get a severe recession of a more conventional type overlaid on top of this coma that the economy has already gone into. i'm tryin'! where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. whether you saddle up or buckle down. we just wish as citizens and reporters covering this story that the government had given itself much more time to plan it better keeping the most vulnerable and most impoverished citizens in mind. the first phase has been the health care crisis in the major economies. people did not anticipate things not planned at all. different. that is how he handled other things, one of his biggest mistakes when he took 80% of india's cash out of circulation. Then, what do the c...– Ouça o July 5, 2020 | On GPS: America's racial reckoning - is change really coming this time? i do not speed. i think one of the big differences between now and 1918 -- and i read that very interesting study about the u.s. then -- we have technology in a way we didn't then. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. is there a danger you start up too soon and what happened then? all conditions. if i might extend that metaphor a little bit, i think what is worrying is that we don't really have a clear exit strategy. and i see it with zero commissions on online trades. this first hack-a-thon was so successful the estonian companies are helping organize a global hack-a-thon this coming week. about 250 million indians live below the poverty line. we are in the early stages of what is going to become a series of cascading crises reverberating throughout the world. >> there's a huge danger. the official statistics will be behind again and again. Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and global policies through in-depth, one-on-one interviews and fascinating roundtable discussions. i should note paul krugman has a new book out "arguing with zombies." This material may be protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code). there were poor men carrying 5-year-old children on their shoulders, women kaer r carryin life's possession and little children walking hundreds of miles. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. next come the explosions in the developing world. the -- we really need a period of extreme lockdown to make sure that this thing has -- that we've brought the pandemic to an end. talk about the competition for leadership that is coming out of this with china appearing to be, at least more confident than the united states essentially uninterested. all conditions. they are the poorest of the poor. February 28, 2021 | On GPS: The future of U.S.- Saudi relations after the Khashoggi report; a look at … now, what would be achieved by greater global cooperation? i'll tell you all about it when we come back. we will take you inside history's largest ever lockdown when we come back. will it work? they have the medical supply chain. because if you look at the way china is reopening its economy, it does seem to suggest that once you get this under control and the numbers of new cases are very small, you can start up again. all these spring breakers making it clear how difficult it is to lock down america, a country of 300 million people. but we have completely abdicated leadership internationally. ET on CNN. in the united kingdom where we do have this very generous. as the virus spreads, italian, us a trae yo austrian and german mobile phone providers track the virus. probably because they're less linked by trade and travel than the advanced world, in addition these countries have tested very few people which is keeping their numbers artificially low. and something like close to 1 million european firms have across countries applied for, payroll subsidies. it's beautiful, isn't it? ♪ you can't always stop for a fingerstick.betes with the freestyle libre 14 day system, a continuous glucose monitor, you don't have to. Fareed Zakaria GPS August 28th, 2020 How They See Us: A Global View of Trump’s America – A Fareed Zakaria GPS Special premieres Sunday, Aug 30 at 10am and 1pm ET is the world headed towards a great depression and how do we come out of it? e... jamie, are there any interesting photos from your trip? if you have an idea, go to the globalhack.com to register. Fareed Zakaria's columns. we'll have a cascade of figures. and overwhelmingly what we're seeing so far, you know, the 10 million jobs -- sure it will be 15 million by the end of this, week that we lost in the u.s. are because of that deliberately-induced coma. no, alan, i practice muay thai, completely different skillset. how do we comprehend something like this? >> the theory behind this, which i think most people understand, was that you needed to take very tough even brutal measures because -- and try to suppress, the virus, which is still in low numbers in india, because if it did spiral, the indian health care system is really one of the worst in the world, right? mike galanos is president of the, central european university, a george soros funded institute. phone in our hand. and this is a big problem. for the same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast free shipping. that happened the day after this law was passed. By Fareed Zakaria | comments@fareedzakaria.com | Washington Post April 17, 2021 at 4:09 p.m. “To govern is to choose,” a French prime minister once said, and this … to the mowers of green acres. john deere mowers for more. before coming out with an economic package, the government already started proposing laws that had nothing to do with coronavirus or combating the virus like making it illegal to change one's gender identity or something. today on the show, the coronavirus and the economy. Fareed Zakaria Gps Book Of The Week Books Showing 1-47 of 47 The Song of Achilles (Hardcover) by. we have done that way too late. Season 2020 guide for Fareed Zakaria GPS TV series - see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. there have been sort of -- there does seem to be an interesting difference when europe -- unemployment is not spiking in quite the same way, they're approaching it differently. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN April 5, 2020 7:00am-8:00am PDT What the experts expect with the "COVID-19 economy"; COVID-19 reshapes autocratic rule … that must be why you're always so late. for millions that's a total loss of income. April 5, 2020 | On GPS: Covid-19 spurs economic crisis, gives way to a power grab in Hungary & forces globe's largest democracy into lockdown. they recognize that the global, order will look different coming out of this crisis than it did going in. 10% somewhat supportive but it's not a vast majority. that's actually not true. that said, modi does have a kind of teflon advantage almost, and he's managed to convert this moment also into a sort of test about whether you're standing with india or against india. "president trump also ended that global health security unit within the white house." >> the metaphor i've been using is that this is -- it's like a medically induced coma where doctors deliberately shut down a lot of the brain's function in order to give a patient a chance to -- a chance to recover from severe blow. >> i think modi's great skill is to turn every disruptive moment in politics into a test of patriotism. Every week on the show, you will see in-depth interviews with world leaders, newsmakers and analysts who break down the world's toughest problems, you will hear Fareed’s “take” on vital subjects, and … there's some attempt also through loans that can then be forgiven to help particularly small businesses keep people on their payroll but you are seeing, if you will, a classic difference. >> all right. >> zanny, let me ask you about europe. FAREED ZAKARIA GPS. 92 million indian homes, households live in one room. this crisis is occurring at a time when global cooperation has collapsed and the traditional leader and organizer of such efforts, the united states of america, has abandoned that role entirely. it's a story of him getting away with stuff but also a story of him being continuous with what he's been doing since 2010. run with us for all the head turners, stripe earners and time crunchers to the kid carolers, grill masters and all those who ride faster and run with us on a john deere mower. just how bad they get will depend in part how long this goes on for but also how quickly the very equally dramatic government stimulus plan can get to the people that need them, the workers that are being laid off, the companies that need payroll support and right now on both sides of the atlantic, they're way behind on that. unbelievable now, right? Airdate April 5 2020: Covid-19 grips the global economy, will this lead to the next great recession? and then i think we'll have to figure out ways to start bringing the economy back to life. thank you for all of you for being a part of my program this week. [ "one morwoo!me" b[ laughing ]] woo! nothing runs like a deer search. By Fareed Zakaria. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady? Fareed Zakaria GPS season 2020 episode 15 Sunday, April 19, 2020, 10AM : U.S. this is just, i think, a sign of the extraordinary fragmenting impact of the coronavirus on the -- on european politics and on the capacity of european states to act together and act against what i think is a threat to the democratic values of the whole continent. on April 5, 2020. transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. maybe all this global collaboration can inspire politicians to follow the examples being set by private set z citizens working together across borders against common foe. at fisher investments we're clearly different. in the uk, it's more generous, it's 80%. On this site big cell dangerous an economic emergency to justify a large package molecular compounds to identify the most. ; Fareed Zakaria gives his take on why the us has struggled mount..., much further was very slow to move on this virus. grimly appropriate, a coma... 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